Monday, June 1, 2009

Call 311 to report noise complaints.

Truly, the music situation this weekend was almost unbearable.  It is not right that these particular tenants are allowed to do this with seemingly no consequence.  They kept the majority of the building up until almost three in the morning because they continued to play their music at disturbing loud levels without concern for the people living around them.  There are children and adults alike who are trying to get needed rest.  If something like this happens, don't just accept it.  This is affecting all of us.  You can call 311 to report a noise violation.   

Sunday, May 31, 2009

En Español

Vecinos de la comunidad del 101 Sherman Ave.

Nosotros, como una Asociación de Vecinos Improvisada, nos estamos

uniendo para expresar nuestras preocupaciones con respecto a las

situaciones actuales referentes a la basura y a el alto volúmen de la

música; la cual no debería, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ser

reproducida a tan alto volúmen.  Creemos que los vecinos del 101

Sherman Ave. necesitamos unirnos para promover un ambiente donde vivr

más positivo y con más armonía.

Nos hemos tomado la libertad de crear un blog en Internet para que los

vecinos de este edificio podamos expresar nuestras preocupaciones

libre y anonimamente.

Este edificio puede realmente ser un lugar maravilloso.

Depende de nosotros de que esto se haga realidad.  Tenemos que tomar

acción y expresar nuestras preocupaciones.

Hagamos la diferencia.

Por favor sientanse libres de visitar este blog en:

Posting #1

Residents of the 101 Sherman Ave. community

 We, as a makeshift tenants association, are coming together to express our concerns about the current music and litter situations.  Under no circumstance should music be played this loud and we believe that the residents need to come together to build and promote a more harmonious and positive living environment. 

 We have taken the liberty of creating a blogpot for the tenants of this building to freely and anonymously express their concerns. 

 This building can truly be wonderful.  It is up to us to make sure that happens.  Be proactive; voice your concerns.  

Let’s make a difference.

 Please feel free to visit this blog at: